do góry

For english speaking students

Together with our colleagues in more than 121 countries, we are involved in a global network that connects thousands of medical students. Our organization gives medical students the opportunities they need to go beyond the hospital walls, and lecture halls. Motivated, intelligent young people are determined to look beyond the doors of their medical school to see the world outside.

IFMSA-Poland send each year about 500 students from twelve Polish Medical Universities to study with colleagues from other countries, other continents, other culture... The same amount of young, well motivated people from more than 80 countries choose Poland for their clerkships and spend the holidays in our country.

Our members organize each year many projects and campaigns on major diseases such as HIV/AIDS, smoking and cardiovascular diseases or on important problems of medical students in Poland. By meeting active students from other medical universities, members of IFMSA-Poland share their ideas, skills and experience about how students can act on the issues that motivate them. Twice a year we meet in different places in Poland, spending 3 days on trainings, discussions and relax, of course.

On an international level, we arranged few transnational projects especially in HIV/AIDS topics. These gave our members the opportunities to proof their language competence and skills working with partners from other countries.

If only you are a medical student in Polish University and you want spend your time in absolutely wonderful atmosphere just join us! We look forward to hearing from you!

Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone © Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Studentów Medycyny IFMSA-Poland 2025

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